After spending June and July in Ohio at Todd's parents home, we are once again on the road and heading West to the Colorado/Utah/Arizona/New Mexico area for a few months. While in Ohio, we completed quite a number of projects to make Todd's parents home safer for their progressive ages and enjoyed a once every 5 year extended family reunion over the 4th of July weekend.
Our travel westward began with a northerly detour to Ontario, Canada to visit our friend Barb before heading through Michigan to catch up with fellow full time travelers and friends, Scott and Heather and Joanne and Dave. We also visited Chicago to spend time with our friends Jeff and Sean and to enjoy our favorite parts of the city. Traveling through Illinois gave us an opportunity to visit Shonah's parents, complete a few projects for them and see some of Shonah's extended family at his cousin's wedding.
Now in Colorado, we are having a few systems on our EarthRoamer checked out before heading up into the mountains and eventually through the desert for some hiking, biking, rock-climbing, stand-up paddle-boarding, and kayaking.
Shonah and Todd spent an enjoyable 4th of July weekend catching up with Todd's extended family (father's side) during their once every 5 year family reunion. |
With new front and rear porch decks on the house and dual railings on all stairs (along with numerous other projects), Chip, Shonah, Todd's Mom and Dad, and Todd pose for a picture prior to departing Ohio. |
Before leaving Ohio, we got in a quick visit with Todd's cousin Darrin (far left) and his family clockwise from left, Doug, Wendy, Shonah, Amanda and Todd. |
Shonah and Barb enjoying one of our great meals during our visit to her home in Ontario. Great food, plenty of wine, lots of conversation and a few new sights made for a relaxed and enjoyable visit. |
Chip, Shonah, Barb and Todd executing a jumping picture in front of STEV at Barb's home. |
Chip, Shonah, Todd, Scott and Heather enjoying happy hour drinks at Heather's parents home. |
Scott and Heather's vehicle El Tigre (a Provan Tiger) finally gets to meet Todd and Shonah's vehicle STEV (an EarthRoamer XV-LT). After completing a multi-year, Pan-American journey from North America to the tip of South America, El Tigre, Scott and Heather have returned to the US to complete some extensive vehicle upgrades before heading back out to the road. Check out their travels and awesome pictures on their blog. |
Chip, Shonah, Todd, Heather and Scott showing off their jumping picture styles. Heather and Scott are not only part of the inspiration for Todd and Shonah's travels, they also introduced them to jumping pictures! |
Shonah, Jeff, Sean, Todd and Chip during an annual rooftop party at our friends Mike and Dan's home in Chicago. |
We were visiting Chicago at the right time to enjoy Market Days, one of the largest street festivals in the Mid-West. |
Todd and Chip enjoying the sights of Chicago during a long bike ride. |
One of our favorite vantage points to enjoy the Chicago skyline is on the coast of Lake Michigan outside the Adler Planetarium. Shonah, Todd and Chip enjoyed a nice picnic and nap in the sun. |
Todd, Chip, Shonah, Shonah's Mom and Dad, Mariah and Sarah posing for a family picture outside Shonah's parents home. Chip was finally able to meet his other grandparents and canine aunts. |
Shonah's cousin Natassia and her father Craig getting ready to walk down the aisle during Natassia's beautiful (though hot) outdoor wedding at the botanical gardens. |
Shonah's Grandpa and Aunt Norma (mother of the bride) preparing to walk down the aisle. |
Shonah's cousin Megan was the matron of honor while the youngest sister Erin (Shonah's Goddaughter) was the maid of honor. |
Shonah's cousin Natassia and her husband Elby exchanging vows. Congratulations!!
Back "home" in Colorado, STEV made a stop at the EarthRoamer factory for a check-up. |
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